According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, climate change will have a significant impact on water resources in the Mediterranean region. An increase in extreme events (floods, heat waves, droughts, etc…) is expected, and has already been noted in some regions, as well as the related risks in terms of economic losses and human lives. Adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its impacts are therefore major challenges for water management in the Mediterranean region.
While many studies on the impact of climate change impact on ecosystems already exist and are currently underway, it seems that, conversely, the study of ecosystems’ role as an adaptation tool is still largely to develop. However, ecosystems such as (undamaged) wetlands have (1) a direct role in climate regulation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and (2) a function of mitigation of climate change effects by providing protection against floods, droughts and coastal storms.
The Med-ESCWET project on “the economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by wetlands in the context of climate change in the Mediterranean” aims at promoting ecosystems-based approach and facilitating its integration in national climate change adaptation policies as a main objective. To raise policy makers awareness on wetlands importance in climate change adaptation, the project seeks to economically assess these services to inform the decision-making process. Economic valuation of these ecosystems services will allow to reconcile both the development and conservation issues related to preservation or destruction of certain ecosystems, to assess the relative impact of alternative actions and, thus, to guide decision-making.
This project was initiated in 2013 by Plan Bleu, in partnership with Tour du Valat, for a three years period. It is co-financed by the MAVA Foundation and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
The regional workshop on ecosystem services provided by Mediterranean wetlands
The workshop is organized by the Plan Bleu with the support of the consultancy Nomadeis on the 19th of September in Sophia Antipolis, Nice.
The overall objective of this workshop is to highlight the ecological importance of Mediterranean wetlands, the critical role they play in maintaining many natural cycles and supporting biodiversity, through the presentations of various case studies derived from the Med-ESCWET project as well as from other projects aiming to assess and characterize different services provided by wetland ecosystems. Wetlands are tremendously productive ecosystems that provide a wide array of services to society worldwide.
Final results of the Med-ESCWET project will be presented, especially the economic valuations carried out for four case studies: Lonjsko polje floodplain (Croatia) for flood control service, Vic coastal lagoon (France) for coastal protection service, Yeniçaga peatlands (Turkey) and Burullus Lake (Egypt) for carbon sequestration. Case studies from Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt will also highlight benefits from ecosystem services provided by Mediterranean wetlands.
Source: Plan Bleu
More information
Read the workshop program
Visit the project page on the Plan Bleu website
Read the publication « Ecological services provided by wetlands on climate change adaptation”
Visit the Web Site Nomadeis