Raise the wetlands at the IUCN World Conservation Congress #WetlandsForAll

IUCN World Conservation Congress #NatureForAll campaignnature4all

#NatureForAll will be launched at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress (WCC) in Hawai’i September 2-10, 2016.

More information

Read the PRESS RELEASEflyerNatureForAll


Follow the #NatureForAll Campaign on social media:
Twitter – https://twitter.com/natureforall
Facebook –  https://www.facebook.com/natureforall.global/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/nature.for.all/

Watch their Video on  https://vimeo.com/174230860



As a Regional Initiative of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, whose Secretariat is hosted by IUCN, the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative wants to join the #NatureForAll campaign with an added WETLANDS focus to collaborate and raise awareness on wetlands: the #WetlandsforAll campaign.

With this tag, MedWet wants to share the feelings and impressions people have when working for or visiting wetlands. Together with the Youth Engagement series, we launch #WetlandsForAll to motivate people from all around the Mediterranean to embrace wetlands and its values.

What is a wetland for you?  We want you to share the wetland feeling to the IUCN World Conservation Congress using their #NatureForAll campaign!

Wetlands are one of the planet’s greatest and most misunderstood natural resources. Wetlands provide priceless services, but they also provide priceless feelings.

If you are passionate about wetlands, please share it with us!

Send us a mail at info@medwet.org or share your message on a photo (See the help guide here) on the social media by adding #WetlandsForAll with #NatureForAll


Earn a chance to be featured at the Congress with a simple social media post! Tell the world how you feel in nature close to a wetland and communicate it with a photo:

1.        Take a picture of yourself or your friends/family near a wetland
2.        Hashtag “For Me, Nature is #(your feeling) #NatureForAll #WetlandsForAll”
3.        Post it on social media