Taking culture into account: The Spanish Inventory of Traditional Knowledge related to Biodiversity.

Report_magramaThe Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) has launched the Spanish Inventory of Traditional Knowledge related to Biodiversity (IECTB). Its main results have been collected in an itinerant educational exhibition as well as in an official publication. The IECTB focuses on the traditional knowledge related to Spanish biodiversity, from geodiversity components up to biological diversity.

The traditional knowledge is dynamic, so it is essential to define and to delimit the concept. Therefore, the inventory includes the relevant knowledge that is shared by at least a group of individuals. The IECTB gives priority, however, to knowledge that is benefiting the entire community, and this knowledge has been compiled from interviews in situ from local informants and from participatory observation.

Traditional and ecological knowledge is important for local and indigenous societies since it represents the cultural heritage and the human diversity.


traditional basket braid ©Magrama

Traditional basket braid. Photo credit: MAGRAMA.

As stated in the Medwet’s Framework for Action 2016-2030 (available here), the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous people and local communities relevant for the wise use of wetland resources are documented, respected, subject to national legislation and fully integrated and reflected in the implementation of the Ramsar Convention, with a full and effective participation of indigenous people and local communities at all relevant levels.

Projects and actions such as the IECTB help communities to maintain their traditional wisdom as well as to preserve and wisely use their wetland resources.

This work belongs to the project Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y la Biodiversidad (Inventory of the Spanish Natural Patrimony and Biodiversity) developed by the MAGRAMA. It has been edited by Pardo de Santayana, Manuel; Morales, Ramón; Aceituno-Mata, Laura and Molina, María.

More information

Read the publication here (Spanish).


Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente



mail: centropublicaciones@magrama.es


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