5th international congress EcoSummit 2016, 29 August – 1st September, Montpellier, France
Categories : Agriculture , Ecology, Ecological Sustainability, Botany, Plant Science, Ecotoxicology, Ecohydrology, Biodiversity, Ecological Engineering
Venue : Le Corum Congress Center. (6-14, Avenue Frederic Mistral Montpellier, France)
The 5th International EcoSummit Congress will take place at The Corum Convention Centre in the city of Montpellier (France), from 29th August to 1st September. This conference was born in Copenhagen in 1996, as a forum for a better understanding of the holistic use of ecology and environmental management for scientists.
This year’s edition will put the focus on the ecology of terrestrial ecosystems and all habitats that are integrated within those ecosystems, such as wetlands, river networks and coastlines. In a continuous expanding world, agriculture is an important sector to put attention on too, so the conference will also address how terrestrial restoration can be carried out when agriculture is developed in fragile ecosystems, forests and marginal lands.
The Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO) will be present at the EcoSummit.
- The MWO will organise a side event on Monday Monday, 29 August 2016, 17:30-17:45
Stream 7-13 – Monitoring Biodiversity to Provide Solutions: The Use of Spatial Information at Different Scales
Mapping ecosystem services of Mediterranean wetlands: Case studies from the SWOS project
A. Guelmami*1, D. Abdul Malak2, A. Sanchez2, C. Perennou1, C. Schröder2, J. Balavoine3
1Tour du Valat, France, 2European Topic Centre at University of Malaga, Spain, 3Plan Bleu, France
- The MWO will present a poster during a poster Session (around lunch) on Wednesday, 31 August 2016, 12:30-14:00
Wintering in a global warming context: Long term consequences for waterbird community assemblages in the mediterranean basin
E. Gaget*1,2, T. Galewski2, F. Jiguet1, I. Le Viol1
1Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France, 2Institut de recherche pour la conservation des zones humides méditerranéennes, France.
The conference expects to attract 1500 delegates from 75 different countries, and it will host over 750 presentations in 93 sessions and 15 side events, such as workshops, round tables and world cafés. Some of the main fundamental topics which are going to be address are biodiversity and biological conservation, climate change, ecology, ecosystem services and health, sustainability and resilience.
This 5th EcoSummit conference is hosted by INRA Science and Impact and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. On the other hand, it is organised by ELSEVIER, and supported by Agropolis Fondation, CeMEDB, Services Ecosystémiques and the Université de Montpellier, in association with the American Ecological Engineering Society, the British Ecological Society, the Ecological Society of America, Groupe des Acteurs de l’Ingénierie Écologique, the International Ecological Engineering Society, INTECOL, IUFRO, the Society for Ecological Restoration and SFE.
For more information
on the event, visit its website here.
about the conference’s programme, click here.