The third edition of the Tour du Valat Conference on Conservation Science in the Mediterranean region was held from 22 to 24 March 2016, in Camargue, France. These conferences are held every two years, in the heart of the Natural Reserve of Tour du Valat, and are organized in close collaboration with the Functional Ecology and Evolutionary Centre (CEFE-CNRS) in Montpellier and the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and marine and continental Ecology (IMBE) of Marseille, with the support of the French Society of Ecology (SFE).
This new edition has again offered the possibility to fifty young researchers working on conservation sciences in the Mediterranean region, to present their work in the presence of leading scientists, in a warm and friendly atmosphere conducive to exchanges and informal discussions.
Finally, the price Alan Johnson, rewarding a young researcher for the quality of its scientific research applied to conservation, has been given for its first edition to Flavio Monti (CEFE-CNRS and University of Ferrara, Italy), for his presentation:
Negative impact of a marine protected area upon an emblematic Mediterranean raptor population
The jury also greet the quality of presentations by Philippe Lambret (Tour du Valat), Clara THERVILLE (IRSTEA Montpellier) and Simon Veron (MNHN). More generally, the jury appreciated the high quality of presentations and the wealth of exchanges between participants.
The next conference will take place in 2018.
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