CEPF is soliciting proposals from highly qualified organizations or teams to update the Ecosystem Profile for the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot. CEPF will make one award of $300,000 for a team to lead a stakeholder consultation process in the region and produce multiple written deliverables per the attached RfP.
OPENING DATE: 29 February 2016
CLOSING DATE: 15 April 2016
Please refer to the Request for Proposals and scope of work here (PDF – 321 KB), which describes all required deliverables and detailed instructions on how to submit a proposal.
Proposals should be submitted to cepfgrants@conservation.org
The RfP makes reference to the following attachments:
CEPF Global Monitoring Framework (XLSX – 28 KB)
Budget template (XLSX – 28 KB)
Financial Questionnaire form (DOCX – 116 KB)
Anti-Terrorist screening form (DOC – 56 KB)
Mid-Term Assessment Report (PDF – 1.5 MB)
Long-Term Vision for the Balkans, Final draft report (PDF – 215 KB)