Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris (France), 7 – 11 February 2016
The French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) will host the 12th Meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com) in Paris on 7-11 February 2016 (see the draft Provisional agenda and programme).
The MedWet/Com is the main decision-making body of the MedWet and brings together the 26 MedWet countries and the Palestinian Authority as well as the organizations that are members of the Committee.
As shown in the draft agenda, the MedWet/Com should take decisions on important issues related to the future of MedWet, in particular the draft MedWet Framework for Action 2016-2030 (read the specific article).
Given the importance of the meeting, the Director of Water and Biodiversity at MEDDE, Mr. François Mitteault, is inviting his counterparts in the Ministries that host the MedWet Focal Points (Permanent Secretaries, Directors Generals, High Commissioners, depending on each country) to participate in the last day of the MedWet/Com meeting, when the key decisions will be taken.
The closing ceremony of the MedWet/Com should be the occasion for officially launching the MedWet Framework for Action. Ambassadors in Paris from all MedWet countries and other important guest will be invited to the ceremony. It is hope that French Minister Ségolène Royal will be presiding over the event.
More information
You can find all the working documents for the 12 MedWet/Com posted here when available.
MedWet/Com members and MedWet partners are invited to register AS SOON AS POSSIBLE by filling the registration form at:
For any further information please contact Mr Blasco