Flow regime alteration is a worldwide phenomenon which contributes to the erosion of aquatic biodiversity. However, ecological responses to alterations of flow regimes still are poorly quantified, which limits our ability to predict the effects of flow restoration. Looking for direct relationships between flow and biological characteristics could be a basic step to help understanding which flow components is important, and when (at which season). Ultimately, this approach should help to better define environmental flows (minimum flows, withdrawal flow volumes…).
The present project aims at unravelling and quantifying the role of hydrology on target fish species populations or communities in France, also accounting for other sources of variations such as local habitat or regional conditions. Analyses will be based on a large scale (France) statistical approach, coupling a national fish monitoring database (including more than 3’000 sampling sites) with a hydrological database, together with additional information on human pressures, habitat and mesological characteristics of sites.
The project is supported by the French national agency for water and aquatic environments (ONEMA).
Candidates should have a good knowledge of fish ecology, and a strong statistical background. She/he should be comfortable with the handling and analyses of large dataset. Good interpersonal skills, autonomy, and writing skills would be greatly appreciated.
Workplace: hepia, 150 route de Presinge, 1254 Jussy (Geneva) Switzerland
Duration: 6 months
Application deadline: 20 September 2015
Starting on: to be agreed
Applications should be sent by postal mail to:
Madame Catherine Trabichet, Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève, rue de la Prairie 4, 1202 Genève, Suisse
Please indicate the following reference with your application:
réf. : RH_hepia_SV_GN_Adjoint_FishHydro2_2015
More information
dowload the job offer here
Dr. Franck Cattanéo: franck.cattaneo@hesge.ch
Phone: (+41) 22 546 68 46