MedWet, partner from the MedPAN, the network of Marine Protected Area managers in the Mediterranean, and its other partners invite you to participate in a conference on the “socio-economic benefits of coastal and marine protected spaces in the Mediterranean – What impacts for the sustainable development of territories?”
This conference will bring together decision makers, economic stakeholders, protected areas managers, representatives of civil society and scientists from several countries around the Mediterranean. It will be held on Wednesday 24 June 2015 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseille. The conference will be preceded by a sea trip in the Calanques National Park on Tuesday 23 June in the morning.
This two-day meeting will bring to light the socio-economic benefits of coastal and marine protected spaces (Marine Protected Areas and Wetlands in particular), to ensure that they are better integrated into public and private decision making for the sustainable development of territories. Testimonies, case studies, panel discussions, group discussions and exhibitions will highlight different knowledge, experiences, tools, perspectives and common challenges.
You will find here the programme of the conference.
There is no registration fee for these events.
However, you are responsible for your transport, accommodation and meals (please note that a buffet lunch will be offered on 24 June at the Villa Méditerranée).
To register, go to the online registration by clicking on this link and if you have not received your access code, please email
Registration will be open until 15 June depending on the space available.
For more information
The MedPAN Secretariat
The conference is organised by PACA Region, Avitem, MedPAN, LAMETA – Université de Montpellier 1, the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), la Tour du Valat, Port-Cros National Park, The Calanques National Park, the Regional Natural Park of Camargue, MedWet, Plan Bleu, the Corsican Environment Office, the French Marine Protected Areas Agency, WWF, the City of Marseille, the Conservatoire du Littoral.
With the financial support of the French GEF, the PACA Region, the MAVA Foundation and MedWet.
Organised by
With the financial support of