The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) has been a leader in integrating biodiversity conservation with socio-economic development. RSCN’s first venture was in the spectacular Dana Nature Reserve, where array of socio-economic initiatives were developed in order to create jobs opportunities for the local communities and in the same time raise revenues for ecotourism to support nature conservation of the reserve. Dana is widely regarded as a world model of sustainable development.
Over the last 15 years, Jordan has already become a focus for strategic environmental initiatives, including the regional operations of IUCN and Birdlife International. Through the work of RSCN, it has also achieved regional (and international) recognition for its pioneering work in protected areas and integrated conservation with socio economic development programs and there is an increasing flow of requests to share these experiences with neighboring countries.
RSCN finished construction of a Regional Academy in the district of Ajloun, devoted to building capacity of regional practitioners in interactive ways in the following subjects:
- Biodiversity conservation
- Protected areas management
- Socio-economic development including ecotourism
- Environmental education
This Academy will provide unique opportunity to develop qualifications in environmental disciplines for priority training needs in the region.
- For more information:
Visit the RSCN website
Visit the Nature Academy architecture
Latest news: First training activity in the new Regional Nature Academy on Hanns Seidel Foundation website
- Contact:
Khaled Younes
E mail:
Tel: 0096265359089
Fax: 0096265347411
Mobile: 00962797224466