Globally wetlands are amongst the ecosystems with the highest rate of loss during the last decades. At the same time wetlands conservation and management is emphasized because of their significance as biodiversity hotspots, as ecosystems whose role is central in the water cycle, including improving water quality and reducing water scarcity, in climate regulation and as to their potential economic use.
The information portal of SWOS will allow the integration and web-based analysis of new maps and in-situ measurements and provide a unique entry point to locate, access and connect existing information, databases and catalogues.
The SWOS service offers monitoring and surveillance capacity for wetlands at multiple scales and contributes to establishing a Global Wetland Observing System, as requested by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. It will facilitate local and EU monitoring tasks and input into international reporting obligations. SWOS will position Europe in a leading role for the new wetland activities within the GEO ecosystem, biodiversity, water, land cover and across tasks.
It is expected that real-time information and long term analysis results of the project as well as the easy access to connected information sources via the SWOS portal will make a crucial contribution and provide a key instrument for an improved integration of wetlands in policy implementation and to a more operational use of multi-scale and multi-sensor Earth observation information in the operational management of wetlands.
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“Horizon 2020” is a trans-disciplinary program for developing research and innovation projects across all areas. Its objectives are to foster synergies with EU structural funds and
implement specific measures for some European countries that have needs for developing research and development. With a budget of EUR 80 million, this program is unique focusing mainly on collaborative work between the public sector and the private sector, including territorial projects oriented on heritage. Among the program priorities, the challenges will concern energy, climate, societies and heritage.