MedWet will attend the 1st Advisory Technical Workshop of the FishMPABlue project (Malaga, 6-7th October 2014)


The main aims of the project “Fisheries governance in the Marine Protected Areas: Potential for Blue Economy” (FishMPABlue) are to analyze existing conflicts between fishery and ecosystem components, and proposing adequate measures to solve them. It focuses on artisanal fisheries inside and around Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in six countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain,). This project was approved in April 2014 by the MED Selection Committee with a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

It intends to define a management system of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in coastal areas where a MPA is established. The method relies on participative approaches in planning, and co-management tools. Information and awareness plans addressed to stakeholders and users towards the sustainable use of the Mediterranean marine ecosystem will assure the success of such approach.

A further objective is to integrate the different approaches developed to date on the co-existence of artisanal fisheries and MPAs, to propose models of governance for improving shared benefits between MPA and artisanal fishing, and to design a new project for supporting the co-development of MPAs and artisanal fishing with an integrated maritime approach.

MedWet has accepted with enthusiam to be a partner in this project and to be a member of its Advisory Board with a view to transmitting the lessons learnt through the project to the MedWet Focal Points and eventually to propose similar projects in other MedWet countries.

For more info :—Fisheries-governance-in-the-Marine-Protected-Areas-Potential-for-Blue-Economy

contact : Alain Jeudy