Maïlïs RENAUDIN comes with a strong scientific and technical background as Chemical Engineer and has been working on environmental issues during the last eight years, mainly in the field of wetlands conservation, at the local, national and international levels. She has been working as Technical Officer for a project led by Wetlands International on civil society involvement in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and also played a significant role in the communication and organization team of the MedWet Agadir Symposium held in 2012.
During her assignment as Communication Officer in one of the projects supported by La Tour du Valat (the Pole Relais Lagunes), she has also been a volunteer in the Ramsar France Association and is very familiar with the different cultures in the Mediterranean Basin.
Mailis is fluent in English and French and has notions of Arabic.
Contact: – Tel. +33 4 90 97 06 78