Training program on the Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas for the MENA region
As part of its regional development aid, the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida ) is organizing a training program on the Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas for the Middle East and North Africa region. The beneficiary countries are Egypt , Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Tunisia. The program’s objective is to contribute to an integrated and sustainable development of coastal areas and supporting the process of change within institutions involved in the planning, development and management of coastal areas as well as the public sector, private, civil society and NGOs, universities and research centers, communication industry and journalism, etc..
The program runs from June 2014 to October 2015 and consists of 5 phases comprising three phases of study remotely from the participating countries and the two scheduled classes respectively 1 to 18 September 2014 in Sweden and 1 to 12 February 2015 in one of the participating countries in the MENA region.
SIDA covers all costs of participation and accommodation with the exception of travel to and from Sweden . Travel expenses for participation in organized in February 2015 in one of the participating countries, however, are covered by Sida .
MedWet encourages students, young professionals and experts of the eligible countries to participate to this capacity building program. (ICZM) Integrated Coastal Zones Management is a key issue for the conservation and use of the Mediterranean wetlands. For all intents and purposes please consult the brochure and the application form. You will find more on the following link: