The International Symposium on Water and Wetlands in the Mediterranean – From Grado to Agadir: The next 20 years, was held in Agadir, Morocco, on 6-8 February 2012, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the wetland symposium held in Grado, Italy, in 1991, which launched the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative.
The Agadir Guidelines and the Agadir Commitments are the two most significant outputs of the Agadir Symposium. The Guidelines are the conclusions to which the participants arrived during the Symposium and the Agadir Commitments are a list of programs and projects, specifically selected because of their expected impacts in favour of Mediterranean wetlands. They represent activities that are on-going, just starting or being planned, promoted by national governments, regional and international organisations, civil societies, the private sector and donors aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of water-related ecosystems in the Mediterranean. They concern policies, strategies, administrative measures, legal instruments and frameworks, initiatives or measures at the local, national or regional level. Smaller projects at the national level, led by government authorities, NGOs or the private sector, are also included and encouraged in this list as long as they contribute to the conservation and wise use of water-related ecosystems in the Mediterranean in an exemplary manner.
The role of the MedWet Initiative will be to monitor the activities on the Agadir Commitment list and to encourage the exchange of information among those responsible for their application. The aim is to promote synergy and best practice through networking, common actions, sharing of lessons, capacity building, strategies, policies and transboundary coordination.
The new website will be the online platform of information for the programs and projects on the list. Updated information will be added regularly, new sections will arise and the list will be expanded. We hope that this grouping of projects and their monitoring will facilitate the identification of complementarities between them and will help to disseminate as widely as possible their thematic, progress and results
Even though still a work in progress, we invite you to visit this website, accessible from the following URL: or “The Agadir Commitments” banner on the right hand side of the MedWet website home page. We will keep you informed about the updates and new entries in the future