MedWet School website now online: Investing in the future

Involving young people in MedWet activities and creating educational material on wetlands has been a new direction in which MedWet has focused its work in the last two years. In order to make more easily available this information and the material produced, we have created “MedWet School”, a dedicated website which contains all the activities we have developed, information about student participation in our meetings and other related news. We have launched the English version of the website and will soon launch the French version.

The wetland related environmental education material that is available at the moment is a Role Playing Game and an activity on small wetlands, available on the website in English, French and Greek.  Efforts are actually made to translate this material into Arabic. Both these activities can be adapted to local realities and can be played with little investment in materials. A necessary prerequisite for their success is the dedication and willingness of the educators and the students. We invite you to visit our new website, accessible from the following URL: or the “MedWet School” banner on the right hand side of the MedWet website home page. We will keep you updated about new material in the future.

We hope that our work will provide inspiration and will emphasize the need to invest in future generations.