The Ramsar Culture Working Group is organising an event on culture and wetlands in Bucharest on the evening of Saturday 7 July during Ramsar COP11. It is a special event that will take place in Mihai Viteazu Hall from 18:30-20:15. The event will demonstrate some fascinating examples of the contribution of cultural values and practices to the conservation and wise use of wetlands, from around the world. A draft Strategic Action Plan for enhancing the role of cultural aspects in the work of the Ramsar Convention during the next triennium will also be briefly presented.
Presentations will be in English.
The event will close with an opportunity to sample some traditional food and drink from the Danube Delta, Romania.
Supported by the MAVA Foundation
Event programme:
– Welcome (Sansanee Choowaew)
– Purpose and objectives of the event, introduction of the Strategic Action Plan on Culture and Wetlands (Thymio Papayannis + Dave Pritchard )
– Loy Krathong Festival and dance, SE Asia (Sansanee Choowaew)
– Cultural aspects contributing to wetland conservation in West Africa (Charlotte Karibuhoye – presented by Antonio Araujo )
– Marimo Festival and Tancho Crane Dance – Wetland Cultures in Japan project, to be extended to Asia (Yoshihiro Natori )
– Saltscapes, meanings and feelings: An inner journey into salt (Katia Hueso)
– Local Traditions in Danube Delta, Romania (Ileana Ene-Giusca)
Information on the speakers:
Sansanee Choowaew: Professor, Mahidol University Salaya, Ramsar Laureate 2008.
Thymio Papayannis: Coordinator, Ramsar Culture Working Group, Ramsar Laureate 2012.
Dave Pritchard: Expert member, Ramsar Culture Working Group, Ramsar Laureate 2008.
Antonio Araujo: Fondation Internationale du Banc d’Arguin.
Yoshiro Natori: Executive Director, Wetlands International – Japan.
Katia Hueso: Association of the Friends of Inland Salinas.
Ileana Ene- Giusca: Local coordinator, Salvati Dunarea si Delta.