Marie Curie Individual Fellowships at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici- Deadline: June 30, 2012

CMCC, the Italian Research Center on climate science and policy devoted to integrated, multi-disciplinary and frontier research for understanding, controlling and adapting to climate change, welcomes Marie Curie Individual Fellowship applications for its research field: Please note that deadline is June 30, 2012.

•Numerical Applications and Scenarios
•Climate Impacts and Policies. An economic Assessment
•Impacts on Agriculture, Forest, and Natural Ecosystems
•Impacts on Soil and Coast
•Scientific Computing and Operations

CMCC, as host institution, provides support to individual experienced researchers meeting the requirements of the FP7 People Programme to develop research proposals aimed at carrying out a full-time period of 12-24 months at CMCC with reference to the following Marie Curie Individual Fellowship funding schemes:

·Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF), for mobility from European Member States or Associated Countries;
·International Incoming Fellowships (IIF), for mobility from non-European Third Countries to Italy.

CMCC will offer a truly international and multi-disciplinary workplace, and the strong ties with a world-wide network of research will allow a continuous fruitful exchange of experience to candidates with strong analytical skills and previous experience from international research projects.
Female researchers and candidates from International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) are particularly encouraged to apply.

Eligibility criteria
Candidates must be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of research experience (full-time equivalent) since obtaining a university degree giving access to doctoral studies.
Eligible researchers can be of any nationality and must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Italy for more than 12 months since August 2009.

If you are eligible and you are interested in exploring the opportunities offered by the Marie Curie Actions to work at CMCC, please submit to, anytime before June 30, 2012 (internal deadline):

1. Motivation letter, including research interests and experience
2. Detailed curriculum vitae and list of publications
3. Abstract of the research proposal (max 1 page).

The selected candidates will be supported in the development of the project proposals that must be submitted to the European Commission by August 16th, 2012 – h. 17.00 CET. More information on the Marie Curie Actions is available on the CORDIS website under the PEOPLE Programme.

CMCC Fund Raising Office
Corso Magenta, 63
20123 Milan, Italy

Cover Picture- Algeria by L. Chazee/Tour du Valat