For the last four years, “The Sea Week” has been organized in collaboration between the Agency of Coasts Protection and Management (APAL), WWF Mediterranean (Tunis Office), research unit Ecosystems & Aquatic Resources of the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT) and the Centre for Studies and Training Okianos in Tabarka.
Effectively it is an Internship in marine biology and environment. This internship is in its fifth session and brings together undergraduate science students (Fisheries, Biology, Environment), for a practical training on prospecting, sampling and interpretation of marine and coastal ecosystems with a biodiversity and habitats protection approach.
The topics it covers are prospecting and sampling at sea, laboratory work, taxonomy, data processing and mapping and thematic conferences.
Building on the success of the last four sessions of the Tunisian “Sea Week”, the organizing committee chose this year to enlarge to a Mediterranean scale, so that the Tunisian experience benefit to other riparian countries. The participation of Algerian students, Croatian, French, Italian, Lebanese, Libyan, Moroccan, Tunisian and Turkish students is expected.
Period of the training-course : from 1 to 7 July 2012
Place of the training -course : Sidi Mechreg / Tabarka (North West of Tunisia).
Selection will be based on motivation
Selected students will be fully supported during this course. The organizing committee will not support tickets for travel to Tunisia fees.
Individual and travel insurance are the responsibility of the selected students.
Applications must be sent before June 9, 2012
This training-course is organized in collaboration between the APAL, the WWF, the INAT and Okianos and with the participation of the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) and the Higher Institute of Fishing and Aquaculture of Bizerte (ISPA).
More information is available here, as well as the application form in French.
Source of the article: Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)