The Gialova Lagoon is in Greece, in the Pelloponese peninsula located 3km from the town of Pylos. It is included in the European network of protected sites Natura 2000 and it is recognized as a wetland of international importance, as it is the most important stop over area for migratory birds at the south Balkan peninsula. So far 264 different species of birds have been identified out of the 442 in Greece. Additionally, the region of Pylos is the only place in Europe for endangered Chamaeleo africanus, while the Ionian Sea coasts are nesting areas for the Sea turtle (Caretta caretta).
At the Gialova Lagoon, the Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS), a member of BirldLife International, has been organising voluntary projects since 1998. Volunteers from all over the world participate to the project by contributing to the implementation of conservation actions such as monitoring of avifauna, field work to protect sensitive habitats and species (Chamaeleo africanus) and improve their status, as well as increase public awareness among the locals and the visitors of the area by running the Information Centre inside the lagoon, the Information Kiosk at Gialova village and implementing educational ecotours inside the lagoon.
Background in biology, zoology, environmental studies or previous experience is welcome but is not necessary as the volunteers get adequate knowledge from the scientific staff of HOS in order to participate to the above mentioned activities. Students for research are welcome.
We are organised in a campsite near the project area where H.O.S. also keeps an office. The camp manager has reserved a specific kitchen area for use by H.O.S. volunteers which is equipped with all necessary appliances (fridge, kitchen utensils). The participation fee is 60€ and the accommodation fee is 4 euros/day. The minimum participation period is 3 weeks. If you are interested please fill in the application form.