4th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation, Hammamet, Tunisia

The 4th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation will take place in Hammamet, Tunisia, from the 2nd to the 4th of December 2010. This initiative of the United Nations Environment Program/ Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) is organized by the Regional Action Centre for Specially protected Areas (RAC/SPA) in Tunis, Tunisia. The RAC/SPA is a product of the Barcelona Convention, 1999, under which the Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Vegetation in the Mediterranean Sea was implemented. The Symposium endeavors to continue the success of the previous three conventions that took place in Ajaccio (France) in 2000,  Athens (Greece) in 2003 and Marseilles (France) in 2007. The main aspiration of this project is to fuel the exchange of scientific findings and methods between Mediterranean states and therefore, stimulate integrated management on an international level.

On a scientific basis, leading specialists of marine flora will be presenting their data and discussing the current state of plant species and assemblages across the Mediterranean basin. This will mainly be achieved by focusing on such key ecological subjects as population of species and dynamics between them, mapping and monitoring, impact assessments and different management techniques. A focus in these issues will offer the opportunity to the participants and organizers to form an up to date overview of the condition of Mediterranean marine vegetation that will eventually promote common conservation policies.

The Symposium includes a poster session, where participants from various regions of the Mediterranean are called to illustrate their scientific findings. Each of these posters will be accompanied by a 15 minute presentation and finally, there will be organized workshops and roundtables that will bring the presentations together and instigate further discussion.

A copy of the brochure for the Symposium is available, as well as instructions for posters and the registration form in English and French.