WFD: Water Framework Directive in Greece


SitesSurface Inland Water bodies, Greece
Duration Date:
Starting Date: JAN 2003
Duration in months: on going activity
Financing  AgencyInternal project
Lead implementing agency

Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre (EKBY)
Country: Greece
Contact Person: Mr D. Papadimos

Objectives* To contribute to the implementation of key provisions of the European Union Water Framework Directive in Greece
Anticipated results* Preparation of Greece in fulifiling its obligations for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
Actions / Activities

* Participation in the National Water Council* Collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Environment- Water Division: provision of advice, data and information on scientific and technical aspects

* Involvement in the intercalibration exercise for lakes; participation in ECOSTAT (working group in the context of the common implementation strategy for the WFD) and the Mediterranean Geographical Calibration Group for lakes

RemarksThis activity is complementaty to the Water Management Planning project