Water quality and aquatic biotopes control and monitoring

Starting Date: 1999
End Date: 2002
Duration in months: 36
Co-financing AgencySpanish Ministry of Environment, Spain
Contact Person: Magdalena Bernués
Lead implementing agencySede para El Estudio de los Humedales Mediterráneos (SEHUMED)
Country: Spain
Contact Person: Mr Enrique Andreu
Objectives* Provide methodological recommendations for the following protocols:
– Sampling water, biota and sediments for physical and chemical or biological analysis
– Sampling for biological testing of water quality
– Ecotoxicity bioassays in water and bottom sediments
* Provide a reference publication for writing of reports, as well as implementing projects and action programs on the quality of wetland habitats
* Provide a tool for developing criteria and methods for the assessment of wetland ecological quality in environmental planning
* Provide a teaching tool for training specialised technical personnel
ResultsA book on Recommendations for Sampling Water, Biota and Bottom Sediments in Ramsar Wetlands
Actions / ActivitiesThe aim of this work was the elaboration of a review on sampling methods