Sustainable Tourism in Wetlands

End Date: JAN 2003
Completion Date: DEC 2005 (may be extended)
Duration in months: 36
Co-financing AgencySpanish Ministry of Environment (DGB),  Spain
Contact Person: Ms María José Viñals Blasco
Lead implementing agency

Sede para El Estudio de los Humedales Mediterráneos (SEHUMED)

Country: Spain
Contact Person: Ms María José Viñals Blasco

PartnersSpanish Ministry of Environment (DGB)
Contact Person: Ms Magdalena Bernúes

* The project focuses on the methodological design, implementation and dissemination of specific technical tools for managing tourism-related and recreational activities in wetlands



* The results are related to the activities  carried out by SEHUMED set out in the next section


Actions / Activities

* English publication of the book ‘Toolkit for Sustainable Tourism in Wetlands’ due for publication by the Spanish Environment Ministry’s Publications Service by the Ninth Conference of the Parties of the Ramsar Convention on wetlands, November 2005

* Design of specific training courses on sustainable tourism in wetlands, to be conducted in the Mediterranean area and Latin America while they may be extended elsewhere

* Collaboration with other national actions involving sustainable tourism at natural sites in Spain

* Application of tools for sustainable tourism in wetlands

* Spanish and English publication on ‘Case Studies in Sustainable Tourism in Wetlands,’ from Spanish regions, ue for publication by the Spanish Environment Ministry’s Publications Service by the Ninth Conference of the Parties of the Ramsar Convention on wetlands, November 2005