SitesStrymonas River Basin, Greece
Starting Date: SEPTEMBER 2003
End Date: AUGUST 2007
Duration in months: 48
Co-financing Agency European Commission,  LIFE03 ENV/GR/217
Contact Person: Mr Bruno Julien
Lead implementing agencyGreek Biotope / Wetland Center
Contact Person: Mr Dimitris Papadimos

Partner 1                                                                         
Name: Prefectural Administration of Serres

Country:  Greece

Partner 2
Name: Development Agency of Serres S.A. (ANESER S.A.), Country: Greece

Partner 3                                                                    
Name:  Local Association for the Protection of Lake Kerkini), Country: Greece

Budget1.090.184,00€Co-financing Agency/ Institution:  48.8%
Lead implementing agency:294.728,75€27%
Partners: 263.950,00€24.2%

* Use of state of the art modeling tools for assessing the impacts of the agricultural sector on the status of surface waters and groundwater in the basin

* Use of optimization methods for the elaboration and suggestion of solutions for the sustainable management, protection, and restoration of all water bodies in the basin

* Dissemination of both the methodological framework and the results of the project to local and national authorities as well as to the scientific community

Anticipated results

* Estimation, including spatial and temporal variations, of the volume of water demanded and abstracted for agriculture. In addition water losses in the irrigation distribution systems will be estimated.

* Estimation, including spatial and temporal variations, of diffuse source pollution mainly caused by nitrates and phosphates.

* Appraisal of the cost associated with water services in agriculture including current and forecasted supply and demands for water in the basin.

* Assessment of the potential effectiveness of agro-environmental measures, integrated in EU Agricultural Policy, in reducing the use of water and agrochemicals.

* Suggestion of tested management plans based on the most effective combination of measures with respect to water and agrochemical use and crop patterns

Actions / Activities

* Establishment and calibration of a state of the art fully distributed, physical based hydrological modelling system able to represent simultaneously the qualitative and quantitative dynamics of both surface waters and groundwater as well as their interaction. This system is the coupled MIKE SHE / MIKE 11 hydrological modelling system resulted from a previous FP5 project.

* Design and establishment of a monitoring system for the calibration of the modeling system. This will include satellite image analyses for crop pattern identification as well as for the assessment of the water depth in surface waters. Also a sufficient network of stage boards, sensors and sampling stations for monitoring the quantitative (depth or discharge) and qualitative (NO3-N and PO4-P) water flow properties will be established.

* Economic and technical analysis of the input-output crop production coefficients in the basin.

** Use of multi-objective programming for assessing the opportunity cost of reducing the use of water and agrochemicals and for investigating and suggesting optimal management plans taking into account the stakeholders in the basin.

** Testing each proposed plan by using the hydrological modeling system, on the likelihood that environmental impacts on ecosystems are minimized