Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands

Starting Date: JAN 2003
End Date: DEC  2004
Duration in months: 24
Co-financing AgencySpanish Ministry of the Envionment (DGB), Spain
Contact Person: Ms María José Viñals Blasco
Lead implementing agencySede para El Estudio de los Humedales Mediterráneos (SEHUMED), Spain
Contact Person: Ms María José Viñals Blasco


Partner 1

Name: Spanish Ministry of the Environment (DGB)

Country: Spain

Contact Person: Ms Magdalena Bernúes


* Reviewing and adapting the plan to the new Ramsar Strategic Plan
* Analyse the extent to which the Spanish Plan’s provisions have been implemented

Actions / Activities

* Proposal for reviewing and adapting the Spanish Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlandsto the new Ramsar Strategic Plan
* Analysis of the extent of implementation of the Spanish Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands since it was passed