
More information on this project are available in the book “Regional action for wetlands: The Mediterranean experience 1991-2002”  by Thymio Papayannis’s (2002). Hard copies are available in English, French and Spanish, please contact

Sites Participating1) Etang de l’ Or (France)

2) Kerkini Lake (Greece)

3) Diaccia Botrona (Italy)

4) Sado Estuary (Portugal)

5) Aiguamollis de l’ Empordà (Spain)

DurationFrom 1992 to June 1996
Duration in months: 75
To develop methods and tools specific to Mediterranean wetlands in five areas

  • inventory and monitoring,
  • wetlands management,
  • training,
  • public awareness
  • research results and dissemination
Partners1.      Ramsar Bureau

2.      Portugal.

3.      Spain

4.      Italy

5.      IWRB (International Wetlands and Waterflow Research Bureau, now Wetlands International)

6.      Tour du Valat

7.    WWF

8.    EKBY

Partners€ 6.645.000
Budget€ 6.645.000Capacity BuildingMain Financing: Co-financing agencies: Partners:
66% covered by EC  (through ACNAT)Ramsar Bureau




Tour du Valat


ProcessDevelopment of systematic methods and tools tested separately in a number of wetland sites and applied in an integrated way in five Mediterranean Wetland areas.MedWet Inventory System and database for planning monitoring programmes, developed, tested and published by  ICN Portugal, IWRB

Publication with case studies and legal review in wetland management by the DGCN Spain.

Training modules and practical training guides prepared. Organisation of training courses by the Tour du Valat and the French Ministry of Environment.

Systematic methodology of public awareness tools, developed and applied by WWF International and the Greek Ministry of Environment.

Dissemination of MedWet research results by the Tour du Valat and the French Ministry of Environment.

  • Training modules for management and monitoring wetland vegetation, planning monitoring programmes and inventory of Mediterranean wetlands
  • Impact
  • Sustainability
  • Implementation Approach
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Stakeholder Participation


Sado Estuary water mill

Sado Estuary water mill, photo credit: Joao Carlos Farinha

Sado Estuary - Gambia

Sado Estuary - Gambia, photo credit: Joao Carlos Farinha