IMEW: Integrated Management of European Wetlands

SitesLake Kerkini, Greece
Starting Date: JAN 2001,
End Date: JULY 2004
Duration in months: 43
Co-financing AgencyEuropean Commission, Direcotrate General for Research-FP5
Contact Person: Ms Karin Zaunberger
Lead implementing agencyUniversity of Duhram, UK
Contact Person: Ms Sandra Bell
PartnersPartner 1
Name: Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre
Country:  Greece
Contact Person: Ms Sofia FrantziPartner 2                                                                              
 Name: Danube Delta National Institute for Research & DevelopmentPartner 3                                                                        
Name: Finish Game and Fisheries Research Institute

Partner 4                                                                        
Name: Centre for Environmental Education of the Municipality of Eleftherio-Kordelio

Partner 5                                                                           
Name: Klaipeda University of Lithuania
Country: Lithuania

Budget1,335,565€Co-financing Agency/ Institution:918,469€69%
Lead implementing agency:  
Objectives*To contribute to the sustainable use of European wetlands through the integration of participatory appraisal research methods in the decision-making processes at community level
Results* Examination of the relationship between social, economic and ecological factors in four significant wetland sites in Europe*Advancement of understanding of how social and economic development might be reconciled with the conservation of wetland biodiversity
Actions / Activities*Application of quantitative and qualitative social science research methods
Reporting / Meetings07-2004