Conservation and management of Cheimaditida-Zazari wetlands

SitesLakes Cheimaditida and Zazari, Greece
Duration Date:
Starting Date: JULY 2001
End Date: DEC 2007 (extended)
Duration in months: 83
Co-financing AgencyEuropean Commission, Directorate General for the Environment, Life-NatureContact Person: Mr Bruno Julien
Lead implementing agencyPrefecture of FlorinaCountry: Greece

Contact Person: Mr Matthaios Athanasiadis

PartnersPartner 1                                                                       
Name: Municipality of Aetos
Country: Greece
Contact Person: Mr Stavros AnastasiadisPartner 2                                                                   
Name: Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre (EKBY)
Country: Greece
Contact Person: Mr Dimitris Papadimos

Partner 3                                                                         
Name: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)
Country: Greece
Contact Person: Mr Dimitris Bousbouras

Partner 4                                                                    
Name: Planet Northern Greece
Country: Greece
Contact Person: Ms Katerina Dimopoulou

Partner 5                                                                       
Name: Region of Dytiki Makedonia, Forest Department
Country: Greece
Contact Person: Mr Dimos Mavridis

Budget1,477,006€Co-financing Agency/ Institution:886,204€60%
Lead implementing agency:540,912.75€36.6%
Partner 2:7.336,62€0.5%
Partner 4:7,336.63€0.5%
Partner 5:35,216.00€2.4%
Objectives* To restore appropriate abiotic conditions (raising of water level in lake Cheimaditida) and habitat structure in reed bed, open waters, humid grassland for the benefit of Aythya nyroca, Botaurus stellaris, Aquila pomarina, Phalacrocorax pygmeus, Pelecanus crispus populations listed as priority species under Annex I of the Directive 79/409/EEC.* To restore the priority habitat Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (*91E0 Annex I of the Dir. 92/43/EEC).

* To promote sustainable water management that will contribute to the conservation of the wetland.

* To increase awareness among the local communities of the values of the site and of the potential economic benefits from wetland conservation and wise use.

Anticipated results* Improved ecological conditions in the wetland* Established water level management system

* Contribution to the elaboration of water management plan of the catchment area

* Contribution to implementation of Action Plans for threatened birds in Europe

* Trained personnel and equipment for the management of the site

* Contribution to income generation for local people through (e.g. new employment opportunities through the operation of Information-Visitor Center)

Actions / Activities* Raising and sealing of the existing dyke of lake Cheimaditida; Establishment and operation of a system for controlling the water level in the lakes; Evaluation of water and sediment quality; Consultation with farmers, fishermen and local authorities* Reedbed management trough water level raising and creation of open water intervals within the reedbed; Creation of new humid grassland areas and management of the existing and news grassland areas; Selective bird and habitats monitoring.

* Fencing the area of Alnus glutinosa clump; Planting of Alnus glutinosa; Establishment of monitoring areas.

* Operation of an Information-Visitor Center (in lake Cheimaditida); Establishment of a bird watching point and view points; Organization of workshops and technical meetings; Collaboration with local authorities; Target group awareness campaign “

Reporting / MeetingsSeptember 2001: 1st Meeting of the Management CommitteeDecember  2001: 2nd Meeting of the Management Committee

June 2002: 3rd Meeting of the Management Committee

July 2002: 1st technical report to the EU

November 2002: 4th Meeting of the Management Committee

January 2003: 5th Meeting of the Management Committee

June 2003: Financial report

September 2003: 2nd technical report and Financial report to the EU

May 2004: 6th Meeting of the Management Committee

July 2004: 3nd technical report and Interim report to the EU

December  2004: 7th Meeting of the Management Committee (Tentative)

July 2005: 4th technical report to the EU

September 2005: 8th Meeting of the Management Committee (Tentative)

July 2006: 5th technical report to the EU

September 2006: 9th Meeting of the Management Committee (Tentative)

February   2007: Final report to the EU