Global Water Partnership (GWP) Consulting Partners 2009 Meeting

 The theme of the meeting was “Implementing the GWP strategy 2009-2013” and aimed at the assessment of the recently implemented GWP global strategy for 2009-2013. o­ne year after the launching of the strategy this meeting provided the platform for the consulting partners and strategic allies to share experiences, opinions, present the successes, failures and most importantly the lessons learnt.

Some of the key issues of the meeting were the communication strategies for the promotion of the goals, the cooperation with partners and fundraising. The desired outcome of the meeting was a greater matching of regional and global activities, in terms of themes and programmes.

During the parallel workshops MedWet participated in the discussions of Group 2 Address critical development challenges, launched after the presentations made by the South Asia region ­n Climate Change & Food Security, by the Carribean region on Urban Planning and Tourism and by the GWP-Mediterranean on Transboundary cooperation in South-eastern Europe

MedWet has been participating with all the other Consulting Partners, to orientate the expected global outcome for more holistic thematic and more synergies between regional and global activities. Those synergies will be then be reflected in the GWP-Med 2010 work plan contributing towards achieving the global strategy outcomes.

During the second day in the plenary session, the working with strategic partners Panel discussion was presented. High officials of the following organizations were invited: IMWI, CAPNet, WMO Word Meteorological Organization, SIWI the Swedish Cooperation and GEF. They presented the current synergies in progress with the GWP world.

Regional Presentations o­n Fundraising were also presented by Southern Africa and Med – examples of successful fundraising practices and challenges ahead and Southeast Asia and Central America – illustrations of where support may be needed to enhance regional funding. The Mediterranean region lessons learned presented by Vangelis Constantianos, GWP-Med received a great attention from the audience.

The personality of the speaker (Per Stenbec) played certainly a major role in the success of the very lively last presentation o­n Fundraising perspectives and practices from a practitioner. MedWet should pay a special attention to the main ideas developed below:

– Be very clear in formulating a financial request
– Don’t focus exclusively o­n Government and public funds
– In terms of financial volume, private/individuals represents 80%
– While Public funding accounts for 15% and o­nly 5% from Companies.
– Use Friend Raising instead of fundraising.
– Build personal links with your potential donor
– be clear and take the time to convince him/her about your goals
– There is nospecialized fundraiser. Every o­ne can do it.

The 3 strategic rules:

1. Be ready to take the opportunity
2. Be and think audacious
3. Be passionate

The plenary session was closed with the presentation of the GWP Annual Activity and Financial Reports for 2008 and the report of the rapporteurs o­n the key conclusions and priorities for the implementation of the Strategy.

 A short meeting of the Mediterranean Partners was arranged by Prof. Skoullos, Chair of the GWP-Med. The discussions concerned the renewal of the Host Institute Agreement between GWPO and MIO-ECSDE and the GWP new rules of procedures related to the membership enlargement.

 Updated on 9/3/2009 12:04:21 PM.