New online: Documents of the Sixth Meeting of the MedWet Steering Group, Athens, Greece 8-9 September 2009

The report of the Sixth Meeting of the MedWet Steering Group that took place in Athens, Greece on 8-9 September 2008 is now available online. Participants to the meeting discussed a number of issues relating to the operation of the MedWet initiative including a 6 months report o­n progress in the work of the Secretariat, the accounting management system, the proposal for a multi year workplan 2009-2011; the proposal for a 25-year Strategic vision; the proposal for an Observatory of Mediterranean Wetlands as well as preparations for the Ninth Meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com9), 28 October, Changwon, Republic of Korea.

The MedWet Steering Group was established following the decision of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee in its Extraordinary Meeting, Tirana, Albania 11-12 June 2006.  MedWet relies o­n the Steering Group to take operational decisions and solve problems in the implementation of the Commitee’s decisions between its meetings. One representative of each of the regions of Africa, Middle East and Europe is appointed to serve for three years at a time as member of the Group.

Updated on 10/9/2008 12:49:45 PM.