Following the proposal of the conference of the water directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeastern European countries, Bled (Slovenia), in December 2007, the Ministerial Conference will be organised under the French Presidency of the European Union and the “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” together with Egypt co-Presidency and Jordan who hosts this event. This conference aims to prepare a long-term strategy on water in the region. It will be held in the Dead Sea (Jordan) on 29 October 2008. In order to involve all stakeholders, a day dedicated to civil society will be held on the eve of the ministerial conference (28 October 2008). The official conference website has been launched and contributions and comments to the technical background documents can be made online.
Source: website of Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (EMWIS)
Updated on 9/3/2008 3:32:23 PM