Euro Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water, 29 October, Jordan

Following the proposal of the conference of the water directors of the Euro-Mediterranean and Southeastern European countries, Bled (Slovenia), in December 2007, the Ministerial Conference will be organised under the French Presidency of the European Union and the “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean” together with Egypt co-Presidency and Jordan who hosts this event. This conference aims to prepare a long-term strategy on water in the region. It will be held in the Dead Sea (Jordan) o­n 29 October 2008. In order to involve all stakeholders, a day dedicated to civil society will be held o­n the eve of the ministerial conference (28 October 2008). The official conference website has been launched and contributions and comments to the technical background documents can be made o­nline.

Source: website of Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (EMWIS)

Updated on 9/3/2008 3:32:23 PM