New online:Documents of the Fifth Meeting of the MedWet Steering Group, Athens, Greece 7-8 January 2008

The report of the Fifth Meeting of the MedWet Steering Group that took place in Athens, Greece o­n 7-8 January 2008 is now available o­nline. Participants to the meeting discussed a number of issues relating to the operation of the MedWet initiative including a report o­n progress in the work of the Secretariat  in the six months leading upto the Meeting, the accounting management system, the proposal for a multi year workplan 2009-2011; the proposal for a 25-year Strategic vision as well as the proposal for an Observatory of Mediterranean Wetlands.

The report as well as the Agenda of the Meeting are available o­nline here

The MedWet Steering Group was established following the decision of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee in its Extraordinary Meeting, Tirana, Albania 11-12 June 2006.  MedWet relies o­n the Steering Group to take operational decisions and solve problems in the implementation of the Commitee’s decisions between its meetings. o­ne representative of each of the regions of Africa, Middle East and Europe is appointed to serve for three years at a time as member of the Group.

Updated on 7/16/2008 1:59:18 PM.