Celebration for International Migratory Bird Day postponed in Lebanon

The Society for the Protection of Nature (SPNL) planned launching of a celebration o­n the occasion of International Day for Migratory Birds.  Organised in the wetland site of Hima Kfar Zabad  the celebration was due to take place over 10-11 May.
The program of the first day featured dances with the participation of school student’s of Kfar Zabad and surrounding villages, an exhibition aimed to raise awareness about the biodiversity of the wetland, games and activities for children as well as a traditional dinner and a party. o­n the second day visitors would be invited to discover the spectacular biodiversity of the Hima & enjoy watching birds.

However, following the clashes that have broken out in Beirut this festival has been postponed until further notice.

Source: Dalia Jawhary, SPNL / Nejib Benessaiah, MedWet Policy advisor

Updated on 5/27/2008 3:15:22 PM.