Call for abstracts for the IV International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management

The aim of the IV International Symposium o­n Transboundary Water Management (TWM IV) that will be held in Thessaloniki (Greece) in 15-18/10/2008 is threefold:

-To assess the state of the art and the progress recently made in the sustainable management of transboundary waters by different disciplines such as law, socio-economics and water science.

-To review current major international programmes concerned with the assessment & management of transboundary water resources.

-To promote interdisciplinary approaches for integrated transboundary water resources management.

The main topic of the symposium is Transboundary Surface Waters and Shared Aquifers. The following, specific topics will be developed in depth either for surface and groundwaters separately, or in combination. Papers will be presented and discussed in separate thematic workshops followed by plenary debates and exchanges of views o­n inter and trans-disciplinary approaches.

-Common Monitoring Networks
-Sharing Data and Information
-Remote Sensing, Cooperative Modelling & Simulation
-International Political Issues, Decision Making & Conflict Resolution
-Involving Stakeholders in Transboundary Areas
-Institutional & Legal Issues
-Transboundary Water Economics
-Planning under Climate Change
-EU Policy in Transboundary Water Issues
-Education and Training, with an emphasis o­n shared aquifers

Extended abstracts up to 3 pages o­n the above mentioned themes should be submitted by 30th May 2008.

Contact information Prof. Jacques GANOULIS, Hydraulics Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece email
Phone: +30-2310-99.56.82 ; Fax: +30-2310-99.56.81

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Source: website of Euro-Mediterranean Information System o­n know-how in the Water sector

Updated on 4/10/2008 3:30:43 PM