New environmental games guide and CD by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

The RSPB (a UK nature conservation NGO) has produced a new environmental games guide and CD to provide some attractive and inspiring resources that can be used to educate people about wetlands and conservation issues associated to other habitats.  Themes covered by the games include adaptation, food chains, habitats and conservation.  The CD includes the guide and attractive artwork for games that can be used as part of education and events programmes. An example is the wader migration game that takes people o­n a migration journey using a variety of wetlands.  Participants learn about some of the conservation issues that threaten the existence of wetlands and the birds that depend o­n them.  Barrie Cooper, RSPB International Education Manager, has written the guide and the games.  Further information can be received from Barrie. Barrie has helpfully provided a short document that gives some more detail o­n a number of the games.

The CD is called Wild and Wonderful and the cost is equivalent to 10 British Pounds.  If you would like a copy of the CD send your name, address and credit card number to this e-mail.
You will also receive an extra CD that has versions of some games without the English text; this will make it easier to insert the text of another language.

Source: Sandra Hails, Communications Officer, Ramsar Secretariat

Updated on 2/25/2008 5:00:00 PM.