WISIONS is an initiative of the German Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, on behalf of the Swiss Foundation ProEvolution. one action field is called PREP, the Promotion of Resource Efficiency Projects. PREP’s key objectives are publishing and promoting good practice in energy and resource efficiency. People around the world are asked to present their good practice examples. Topic and target groups thus will vary regularly with the objective of addressing a wide range of issues and stakeholders. The most convincing projects will be published in WISIONS brochures and will be promoted to multipliers, political decision-makers, scientists and activists. By doing this, projects will get the publicity they deserve and provide certain ideas worldwide to improve the efficient use of resources.
WISIONS launched its new PREP-call on the topic ‘Water for Energy and Energy for Water’. Water and energy are precious resources, however, many people in developing countries lack access to save drinking water and sanitation, the withdrawals for agriculture are competing with water users from other sectors, and energy shortfalls due to increased energy demand are predicted. Therefore WISIONS aims to promote good practice examples dealing either with water as a driving agent for renewable energy (e.g. small hydro schemes, wave and tidal power plants) or with the provision of clean and safe drinking water by renewable energy (e.g. solar driven desalination, groundwater pumping or irrigation systems). Up to 5 good practice projects will be chosen for publication and will receive a grant of 500 Euros.
The fields of interest include :
Projects concerned with socially and ecologically sound small hydropower
Projects that focus on wave or tidal power
Projects that t reduce water poverty by, for example, the desalination of salted or brackish water with the help of renewable energy
Projects that support water treatment systems operating with renewable energy to improve the reuse of water and sanitation to ensure high water quality
Projects that address the use of renewable energy for water pumping and resource efficient irrigation systems
The application deadline is on February 16th, 2008. Information on how to apply is available here
Source: Maike Bunse (Ms.), WISIONS Team
Updated on 2/6/2008 1:37:39 PM.