World Wetlands Day 2008: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People

WWD 2008 : Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People.

The Convention’s suggested theme for World Wetlands Day, 2 February 2008, is Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People, and this will also be the theme for Ramsar’s 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties in October-November 2008 in the Republic of Korea.

As we approach World Wetlands Day, we have taken an opportunity to introduce to the Ramsar community, and the people you reach out to, a few key topics that exemplify both the direct, positive effects o­n human health of maintaining healthy wetlands – such as the provision of food, clean water, pharmaceutical products, etc. – and the direct negative effects of mismanaging wetlands that result in the impairment of our health and even the loss of life – such as through the effects of water-related diseases, burning peatlands, floods, and water pollution.

Read more on what the Ramsar Secretariat is preparing o­n these themes for you to use, free of charge, in your WWD activities.

Source: The Ramsar Secretariat

Updated on 11/28/2007 11:43:14 AM.