The workshop was organised by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade and the Greek Biotope Wetland Centre (EKBY), and took place at the premises of the Faculty of Biology in Belgrade on 28 September 2007.
It was targeted to the national and local authorities, to the scientific community and to other stakeholders interested in wetland conservation and management. The workshop aimed to promote the wetland inventory actions in Serbia and to link them with the MedWet Initiative’s efforts to building up an overall picture of the status and trends of the wetlands in the Mediterranean region.
Serbian decision makers and stakeholders were encouraged to force and support inventory, assessment and monitoring actions in the country, and share the inventory data they hold through the MedWet Web Information System. Results of the capacity building in the MedWet inventory method and tools, that was carried out by EKBY for Serbian scientists, were also presented and follow up activities were proposed in view of contributing inventory actions in the country and the Pan Mediterranean wetland inventory overall.
The workshop was implemented in the frame of the International Development Cooperation Programme “Training in wetland inventory using modern technology” that is financed by the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Hellenic International Development Cooperation Department (Hellenic Aid).
You can also see the workshop agenda
(Source: EKBY)
Updated on 11/12/2007 12:23:27 PM