Training courses in “Wetland Inventory using Modern Technology” by EKBY
The Greek Biotope-Wetland Centre (EKBY) has successfully organised two training courses entitled “Wetland Inventory using Modern Technology”, in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology of the University of Belgrade, with the objective to transfer knowledge to Serbia in wetland inventory using modern technology tools. The training was addressed to Serbian scientists that had adequate knowledge of wetland inventory using remote sensing and GIS tools.
The training design was based on a training needs analysis (TNA) survey that was carried out in Serbia. Findings of the TNA combined with EKBY’s previous experience in wetland inventory and capacity building, enabled the definition of the training objectives, the selection of training material and the development of appropriate teaching plans. The courses attended 15 Serbian scientists, working at educational, research and public institutes, and NGOs in Serbia.
The first training course took place at the EKBY premises in Thessaloniki, between 18 and 21 September 2007. It included several topics, covering the theoretical background of wetland inventories and providing basic knowledge and skills on the use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for wetland inventory. A field excursion to the Ramsar wetland site of the Kerkini Lake was also organised. The excursion included a combination of field investigation and wetland identification using satellite imagery, and a visit to the Information Centre of the wetland.
More information about the programme
Contact information:
Lena Hatziiordanou:
Updated on 10/29/2007 10:24:55 AM.