Traditional salt production revived in Italy

White Gold – the Salt of the Langobards. Ms Lucilla Previati, director of the Po Delta Park (Parco del Delta del Po) in Italy (Emilia-Romagna Region), informs that they have launched a new product, historically known as “white gold”, i.e. finest sea salt produced according to traditional processes (using essentially solar energy) in the near-natural salt pans of Comacchio at the Adriatic Sea.
The brand name “Salt of the Langobards” harbours proudly the Ramsar logo, based o­n the fact that the saltworks are part of the Ramsar site “Valli residue del comprensorio di Comacchio”, i.e. the remnants of an extensive complex of coastal lagoons and marshes drained in the 19th century for agriculture

Source website of the Ramsar Convention

Updated on 9/5/2007 12:08:14 PM.