Tour du Valat contriubutes to a protection campaign of the littoral in Morocco

The Tour du Valat is currently implementing an Integrated Coastal Zones Management project “El Kala / Moulouya : an Integrated Coastal Zones Management initiative for sensitive coastal wetlands”, funded under the SMAP III program of the European Union.

The project aims at supporting the Moroccan and Algerian governements, and their respective institutions in integrating the conservation of sensitive littoral areas in the overall development of the coastal zone.

Awareness raising days have been held recently in the frame of this initiative. The Tour du Valat got involved through its support to the local NGO’s. Discover on the opposite the article published by “Aujourd’hui le Maroc”, describing this awareness-raising operation.

Source: Tour Du Valat website

Updated on 9/5/2007 12:45:43 PM.