5th World Water Forum and side event, August 2007 World Water Week

5th World Water Forum Side Event at the 2007 World Water Week

Monday, 13 August, 12:15 to 13:15
Room 307 Folkets Hus
Stockholm, Sweden

The World Water Council (WWC), the General Directorate State Hydraulic Works for Turkey (DSI) and the Secretariat of the 5th World Water Forum have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the 5th World Water Forum Side Event during this year’s Stockholm World Water Week. Building o­n the accumulated experience of four successive fora, this side event aims to highlight the exciting innovations planned for the 5th edition of the World Water Forum to be held in Istanbul in 2009 within the context of “Bridging Divides for Water.” It will report o­n the continual progress in its preparation and o­n the follow-up to the proposals made during the kick-off meeting held in Istanbul in March of this year. It will also outline the different ways in which stakeholders can become involved in the preparation process and address the issues and actions that are truly essential to building together a water-secure world. The audience will have the opportunity to interact through questions and comments. Lunch bags will be provided during the event.

The theme of this year’s Water Week is “Progress and Prospects o­n Water: Striving for Sustainability in a Changing World.” A record number of participants – 2400 from some 130 countries – are expected to explore a wide variety of themes and topics at the Stockholm City Conference Centre between August 12th and 18th. Plenary sessions, panel debates, social events, facility tours and prize-giving ceremonies will all contribute to the week’s varied programme. Leading pro¬fessionals from business, government, water management, science, inter-governmental organisations, NGOs, training institutes and United Nations agencies will participate. Over 140 organisations are co-convenors of the event together with the Stockholm International Water Institute.

Source: website of the World Water Council

Updated on 8/3/2007 1:28:32 PM.