The Ramsar Secretariat is pleased to announce that Dr Alexia Dufour has been selected for the newly-established position of Regional Affairs Officer. A Standing Committee decision created this position in order to provide improved support to the Secretariat’s regional teams and, in particular, enhanced guidance to the assistant advisers (interns). This will in turn result in increased capacity in the Secretariat to support Contracting Parties.
A French national, Alexia has advanced university degrees in environmental sciences and ecology from the Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et Forêts (National School of Rural Engineering, Water and Forests) in Paris and the Universities of Lausanne in Switzerland and Besançon in France. She has taught ecology at university level, as well as biology and geology at high school level. For her doctoral studies she managed a research project on the links between landscape structure and plant biodiversity in the Jura region of France and Switzerland. Alexia’s practical wetland experience includes working on a management plan, involving local stakeholders, at the Estagnol Pond Nature Reserve in Southern France.
The regional teams will be greatly helped in their work by Alexia’s skills and experience in information management and technology, including the development and management of databases. The Ramsar Secretariat looks forward to welcoming Alexia at the end of July 2007.
Source: website of the Ramsar Convention
Updated on 5/31/2007 10:43:22 AM.