Eighth meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com8), 26-28 June 2007, Rome, Italy

The eighth meeting of the Mediterranean Wetlands Committee (MedWet/Com8) is planned to take place o­n 26-28 June 2007, in Rome, Italy. Based o­n the draft agenda, delegates to the meeting will consider a report o­n the progress in the work of MedWet for the biennial 2005-2007, the evaluation of MedWet as well as financial matters relating to the operation of the initiative.
MedWet/Com 8 will be preceded by two group meetings, to be attended o­nly by their members: a Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Team and a Meeting of the Steering Group planned to take place o­n Monday 25 June.
Documents of the Meeting will become accessible o­nline o­n the website of MedWet as soon as they become available.
You can access the latest information o­n developments in the operation of MedWet as discussed by the Steering Group of MedWet in March 2007, Rome, Italy in the report of this meeting here.

Updated on 5/8/2007 12:23:35 PM.