A message by Mr
Abdulmaula A. HAMZA, Head, Marine Conservation , Nature conservation Dept, Environment General Authority EGA, Libya describes the program of activities for World Wetlands Day celebrations in Benghazi, Libya:
The WWD celebration in Libya will convene in Benghazi, the most city with wetland ecosystems in Libya. The celebration will be on Sat 3 Feb (2 is Holiday here) and will consist of two activities:
Morning (speeches by the Environment General Authority EGA, Libya, Mayor of Benghazi and other local stakeholders) followed by presentation on RAMSAR and MedWet history and activities by myself,
After that a fist talk on Status of wetland in Cyrenica region (NE Libya) by Dr. Musbah AlMghasbi from Benghazi University.
Then I will mention the results of two successive years of waterbird and wetland inventories we conduct in EGA with help of the Regional Action Center for Specially Protected Areas (RACSPA) of UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan and the UNEP African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement( AEWA).
Then a screening of the Documentary prepared by Ramsar Convention for 2007 WWD theme.
A talk will consider the theme for this year’s World Wetlands Day more closely and will consider the importance of wetlands to coastal fisheries. The speaker is Dr. Abdallah Ben Abdallah.
Afternoon activities will include a visit to nearby sebkha for cleaning up activities by youths, scouts and some school children, after that there will be a birdwatching and other field educational activities.
The day will end at 18 pm.
The Secretary General of EGA (Dr. ELWAER) is personally following step by step the preparations for this day and have allocated a special budget for reprinting WWD 2007 Sticker in Arabic and special poster on wetland issues in Libya.
Source: Abdulmaula A. HAMZA, Head, Marine Conservation , Nature conservation Dept, Environment General Authority EGA, Libya
Updated on 2/2/2007 2:04:47 PM.