2nd International Conservation Photography Symposium, 4- 7 January 2007

If you are interested in nature conservation and outstanding nature photography, join the world’s leading nature photographers and participate in the 2nd International Conservation Photography Symposium. It will take place in Lindau, the heart of Europe, from the 4th to the 7th of January 2007. Invited are all photographers, editors, photo agents and passionate amateurs with an interest in conservation photography.

The Symposium has been organized by the International League of Conservation Photographers and will among other things give an overview of the work and achievements of ILCP. Leading professional photographers will give presentations o­n conservation photography projects currently underway in the world.

The Program will include

    * Presentations given by some of the worlds leading conservation photographers
    * Round Table Discussions to craft a Global Visual Strategy for Conservation and to define the role photography can play in conservation issues
    * Drafting recommendations and resolutions
    * Discussion concerning the League of Conservation Photographers
    * Book and print signings
    * Photographic and marketing tips by leading nature photographers
    * Different Workshops o­n nature photography and,
    * Wonderful slide shows presenting the best of conservation photography

The 2nd International Conservation Photography Symposium will be combined with the 1st Wunder Welten Festival. All those who participate in this Conservation Photography stream will also have full access to all the Wunder Welten Festival activities.

For full programme and registration info, visit the symposium website

Updated on 12/6/2006 1:42:11 PM.