The French versions of two manuals in the Mediterranean Wetland Inventory series, published by MedWet, Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza and Wetlands International are now available online in addition to the English version of these publications .
Composed of four manuals the series aims to serve as a basic resource for gathering and storing informarion on inventorying wetlands in the Mediterranean. Information about wetlands is required for such essential actions as effective planning, management, training education and public awareness programmes.
Follow these links to access the French version of the two first volumes :
L T Costa, J C Farinha, N Hecker, P Tomas Vives (1996) Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: A Reference Manual. MedWet / Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza / Wetlands International publication. Volume I
N Hecker, L T Costa, J C Farinha, P Tomas Vives (1996) Mediterranean Wetland Inventory: Data Recording. MedWet / Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza / Wetlands International publication. Volume II
Updated on 11/28/2006 3:54:47 PM