The Ninth Regular Meeting of the Prespa Park Coordination Commitee is taking place in Korcha Albania on 20-21 November. Established in 2000 under the aegis of the Ramsar Convention the Coordination Committee is tasked with facilitating the management of the transboundary Ramsar site of Prespa shared between Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Greece.
Among others participants to the Meeting will discuss progress on current projects undertaken in the area including work on reducing environmental impacts of agriculture in the Albanian and FYR of Macedonia parts of the lakes; solid waste management in FYR of Macedonia; sustaining transborder cooperation and local sustainable development in protected areas of the lake region of Ohrid and Prespa. Additional projects that will be presented include the River Devolli-Lake Micro Prespa interaction; LIFE- Endemic Prespa trout; capacity building in Zagradec as well as completed projects such as the Treni cave restoration and the heritage trail in Zagradec.
Side meetings are planned to take place during the event among others on transboundary coordination of the forest services of Korcha and Florina for combating illegal logging in the Albania-Greece border and development of national spatial plans in the Prespa Park region. The the first meeting of the national water authorities responsible for the Prespa park area as is also scheduled to be held within the event.
MedWet Secretariat Coordinator Spyros Kouvelis participates in the Meeting representing the Ramsar Convention and MedWet.
For more information on the Transboundary Park of Prespa you can browse the website of the Park here
Source: Vivi Roumeliotou Prespa Park Coordination Commitee Secretariat – Society for the Protection of Prespa
Updated on 11/19/2006 1:10:56 PM.