Information on a number of characteristics regarding wetlands located in the French Mediterranean coast has been made avaialble online within the framework of the overview on wetlands undertaken this year by pôle relais de Lagunes méditerranéennes. Featuring site maps and information regarding the management of the wetland the information can easily be accessed by selecting the location on a map here .
Among others land use data is offered according to Corine Landcover as well as textual descriptions of activities, fauna and flora, threats and management regarding the wetland. The service has been made available by among others La Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development of France, the Agence de l’Eau Rhône méditerranée et Corse.
Source: Pere Tomas Vives, Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Newsletter La Lettre des Lagunes, November 2006
Updated on 11/27/2006 3:32:26 PM.